Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 6: BioTech + Art

DNA is the universal, enigmatic language that describes life on Earth. This blueprint of life is the perfect guide for artists to use to explore the human condition and life in general. The discovery of DNA and the sequencing of the human genome showed society that humans are not that different genetically from our phenotypically different animal, plant, and microbial brethren. It has changed both religion and art.

Fragment of the Human Genome

Mouse and Human Genetic Similarities

The remarkable similarities of our biological inner workings and the interchangeability of our genetic code allowed Eduardo Kac's transgenic projects, most notably Alba, the fluorescent bunny created using the green fluorescent protein from the jellyfish species Aequorea victoria.

Alba, Eduardo Kac's fluorescent bunny

This project brought the public's attention to genetic modified organisms, while corporations that handled genetically modified products tried to keep it secret since they knew that it would spark public concern. They feared that public debate about the ethical and health concerns of genetic modification would lead to regulatory legislation. 

Stelarc's Third Ear

Stelarc pushed the boundary even further and modified his own body through a surgically implanted third ear on his left arm. Although he did not modify his own genetic code, his project evokes shock and creates debate on whether it is ethical to surgically modify one's body beyond restorative and cosmetic purposes and to genetically modify humans at all. With advances in genetics, the concept of designer babies is becoming frighteningly close to reality. Andrew Niccol's movie Gattaca explores the idea of being able to genetically manipulate newborns to have desirable characteristics, such as beauty, intelligence, lack of genetic disorders, and immunity to disease. There are many foreseeable benefits accompanied by just as many or even more ethical concerns. Is it ethical to save people from genetic defects, or is it God's will for them to suffer? What defines a defect? Can genetic inferiority be defined as a defect? Can you design your child to be far superior to its peers? Can we play God? We need artists to explore this field and cause public debate, so that society can figure out where to draw the line for when this technology becomes reality. 

Works Cited

Gattaca. Perf. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law. Columbia Pictures Corporation, Jersey Films, 1993. Film.

Gallagher, James. "'Designer Babies' Debate Should Start, Scientists Say." British Broadcasting Corporation 19 Jan. 2015. British Broadcasting Corporation. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

Kelty, Chris. “Meanings of Participation: Outlaw Biology?”. Web. 5 Nov. 2012.

Levy, Ellen K.. “Defining Life: Artists Challenge Conventional Classifications.” DESMA 9. Web. 2 Nov 2012.

Jones, Robert. "Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics." MacDevCenter. O’Reilly Media, Inc., 29 June 2004. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

"Stelarc // Ear on Arm." Stelarc // Ear on Arm. STELARC. Web. 10 May 2015.

Telegraph. "Scientists from 1,000 Genomes Project Have Identified 95 per Cent of Genetic Variations." The Telegraph 27 Oct. 2010. Telegraph Media Group Limited. Web. 10 May 2015. <>.

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